A pilgrim in rishikesh

Day 7 - Ill be honest, I never wanted to travel to India. I just had no appetite for what my imagination had created as India. Merely the hunger to learn the roots of yoga lead me to this magical place. There are many myths about India, many misrepresentations collected from media sources or having one bad encounter with one person and letting that dictate the entirety of one massive and diverse country. What I have come to love about this place is the equality they see in male, female, animal, nature and solar. It is really truly beautiful to study the routes to Indian philosophy and learn the truths of this nation by experience.

The locals here in Rishikesh are so friendly. They treat everyone and thing with respect, kindness and goodness. And I am so impressed with how Yog culture honours the female body and even recognizes that the postures we know were invented by man and some postures are not good for the health of women during different cycles and they respect that and talk about it openly. They are openly talking with love about the many things women hide from men or men do not acknowledge in N.America.

Everyone I have met passing by on the street, in a shop, waving at a neighbour, they are all interested in knowing who you are and what you do and where you came from and with big smiles on their faces. Their is a calmness to the people in Rishikes. They are calm, cool, non judgmental and not interested in n pestering or ripping off tourists. Karma and love rules this place.

